Worry Less, Live More

Worry Less, Live More

Monday, September 26, 2011

How to Date a Seminary Teacher

The Do's and Dont's to DOing it right!

I was having a lousy week a while ago and couldn't figure out why. After thinking about it for several minutes I finally realized it was because it had been MONTHS since Michael and I had a date night. YIKES!!!
It's amazing how such a simple thing like a night out can really improve your marriage AND your attitude. Most of the time I try to come up with a creative thing for us to do at home when Collin falls asleep. Even though it's not exactly going out, at least we are still doing something together. But even that has fallen by the way side lately.

But I have a really good excuse! Michael is now an early morning seminary teacher (as in, he gets up before the sun to teach the Old Testament to teenagers!) He loves it and I have to admit that our family has been so blessed because of this calling. It might be harder to plan actual date nights now since his nights are usually spent studying, but through trial and error I am learning what works and what doesn't.

Here are a few things I've learned about dating a Seminary Teacher...

When planning a date night during the week DO NOT do a movie night! Comfortable seating and complete darkness will have your date falling asleep faster than you can say Genesis.

DO- play the games he has planned for game day in Seminary together. This will be quite entertaining and will allow him to work out any kinks.

DO NOT -allow your date to go past 9:30pm. Unless you want to be the only one awake ;)

DO- plan a cuddle date on their day off. This will be their FAVORITE date ever! Yes, because it involves sleep. (starting to see a pattern here?)

When watching your favorite sitcom at night DO use the commercials as little 3 min. dates. (aka smooching fest) Not that we've actually done this one of course ;)

DO NOT plan a crappy date. Not that you would purposefully plan a bad date, just be forewarned that if something goes wrong it could end up being used as an object lesson the next morning :)
(In all fairness Michael has not done this!...yet.)

That's all I got for now, but I expect to learn so much more as the year progresses.

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