Because I started having pre-term labor and spent three weeks on bed rest, I thought for sure I would go into labor early. And I did. Except it was 3 DAYS early instead of 3 WEEKS. Surprisingly, I wasn't overly anxious for labor to start. This is probably due to the fact that I had been in triage 5 different times in 3 weeks for various different things and needed a little break from all things related to hospitals.
(Why do they have to smell soooo bad?)
However, I was having a few health issues due to pregnancy and was ready for relief so I might have tried a few things :)
I cleaned toilets, walked, led music during our Ward Primary Presentation, did I mentioned I walked? Nothing worked. I mean, if grocery shopping with your 2 year old doesn't put you into full fledged labor, I was beginning to think nothing would.
And then one morning my sweet, sweet son walked out of his room and snuggled into my lap.
(this should have been my first clue that something wasn't right, Collin doesn't snuggle)
As I was asking him how he had slept and enjoying the moment, I caught a whiff of something ugly. I asked him if he had thrown up and before I had finished the question he up chucked in my lap. Needless to say, we would both go through 3 changes of clothes before the day was over. I spent the rest of the morning cleaning up you know what. Try getting a 2 yr. old to use a wasn't happening. For some reason he felt the need to get up and run whenever the urge to be sick hit him. Still haven't figured that one out.
Earlier that morning (before the drama started) when Michael's alarm went off for work, he asked if I could go into work for him so he could stay home. As I was cradling a sick and crying Collin and as he was getting ready to walk out the door I asked if he still wanted to switch jobs. " I think I'm good" was his reply.
That night I was exhausted so we decided to just watch something on Netflix. We (and I use the word "we" very loosely here.) decided to watch Little Shop of Horrors the musical since it wasn't that long and would allow us to still get in bed at a decent hour.
It. was. so. DUMB! I spent most of the movie with my face looking like this...
So there you have it ladies. If all your efforts to start labor seem to be in vain, I recommend you follow a sick toddler around for the day and finish the night off with a musical that will kill brain cells while you watch :) Wa-la, instant labor!
And here he is!
Tate Michael Boyd
born Nov. 4th
He weighed 7lbs. 11oz. which won him the nickname "big gulp" from his uncle.
Get it? "Big gulp" as in 7-11 the gas station??? After hearing someone call him Tater Tot, the pediatrician who checked him out decided to just call him "spud". I'm glad everyone showed us all the names he will be teased with AFTER we filled out the birth certificate papers! Just kidding, we love our little spud :)
This was Collin's first reaction to seeing his new brother.
He absolutely LOVES Tate and has been a great big brother.
Our first family picture.
This picture makes me laugh because Collin kept trying to push the buttons on my bed and you can see how he's looking to see if we're distracted so he can page my nurse.
Telling his dad all about his trip.
Tate is a wonderful baby, however he seems to have a very overactive bladder. (probably due to the fact that he is a eating machine) It was getting so bad that we were changing his clothes every hour. That's why a day after getting home from the hospital, Collin got to help give Tate a bath.
Can't resist kissing those chubby cheeks!
A little bit of brotherly love. Lets hope it lasts :)
I love sleeping babies :)
We've tried several times to get Tate to take a paci but he just gags on it. That's ok though because there's another little boy who is more than happy to be reunited with his beloved friend...GREEEAT!
I feel like we're being over run by boys around here... Oh well, at least they're cute :)
And so it has begun. Tate has become Collin's new toy. The next day Collin kindly shared his Dinosaur stickers with him. All 7 of them.
I love these two. They may be different as night and day as far as looks, but they show their unity by both sporting dirty mouths.
We love our little Tate and are so blessed to have two healthy little boys!
And, just so he doesn't feel like he's being totally replaced, here are a few of Collin.
Apparently you can never have too many animals in bed with you.
New Thomas jammies! Thanks aunt Patti.
He loved these so much that I had to put his clothes on top of them the next day because he wouldn't take them off!
Aunt Patti also gave him this dinosaur egg to hatch.
Cute Casey! So glad to hear you all are healthy and doing great!